Across the US alone there are nearly 9 million* fire hydrants, many of which are not operational due to their need for repair.
In many cases repairs to these vital resources are postponed time and time again as shutting off their water supply would lead to local businesses and homes also losing their water supply. This leaves water districts and municipalities with the delicate balancing act of ensuring enough hydrants are in operation, should they be needed, while not disrupting their communities to carry out repairs.
The AVT EZ Valve®, an insertion valve for water pipes, has proved itself to be quicker to install, uses an innovative cutting technique, and can be installed at full pressure with no need to shut off the water supply. Available in sizes from 1.5" (40mm) to 24" (600mm) the AVT EZ Valve is installed using the innovative EZ Valve toolkit which includes the EM (end milling) machines which cuts a slot out of the pipe meaning there is no possibility of coupon drop and the integrity of the pipe is not affected.
Repair Your Fire Hydrant
Installed on a small pipe section, the AVT EZ Valve is small enough to isolate the hydrant without affecting other water system users.
Typically fire hydrants are supplied by a ‘T’ line.
This is a small section of water line that is fed by the main line running along a street. Conventional water valves require a large section of pipe to be available when installed due to the need for at least two excavations for the fitting of line stops and a valve, but the AVT EZ Valve requires just one small excavation allowing them to be fit on this small ‘T’ line and isolate the hydrant without effecting the rest of the local water supply.
Vital Infrastructure Remains Operational While a Fire Hydrant is Repaired Thanks to the AVT EZ Valve
SummaryLeaking fire hydrant required repair6” cast iron fire hydrant lead lineAVT worked with Hydratec ServicesKey TakeawaysPolice and Fire Station remained operational throughout the install1.5 hour installThree blocks maintained water serviceEnabled Fire Hydrant repairHydratec Services, a trusted long-term partner of AVT, was called on to assist with the repair of a leaking fire hydrant in an…
CITY OF HAWKINSVILLE, GEORGIASummary Broken fire hydrants require repair 4” to 12” lines Installs in under an hour 40 to 50 more valves to be installed over the next 12 months When officials from the City of Hawkinsville in Georgia identified the need to repair, maintain and swap out a number of its inoperable fire hydrants they…