Two-step certification program proves a hit.

October 11th, 2021

Advanced Valve Technologies (AVT), the manufacturer of the EZ Valve, an insertion valve used within the water utility industry and other sectors that require pipe delivery of water and other fluids, is celebrating the success of its robust installer training program.

The Chicago-based manufacturer has been building its very own Install Network—referred to fondly as the Installation Army—and now has more than 120 certified installers around the world. AVT’s Install Network was created to answer the needs of the high demand across the industry.

Company President Harry Gray said: “We believe the AVT EZ Valve is the best insertion valve on the market in terms of quality, durability, ease of installation, and lifespan. Our Operations team takes pride in the attention to detail lavished on every step of the manufacturing process and we are confident that every valve leaving our manufacturing facility is world-class. As with any mechanical industrial product, proper installation is a key component of a top-performing product. For that reason, we invested heavily in building our certified Installation Network.”

AVT EZ Valve certified installers go through a rigorous two-step training program that utilizes an online training portal that introduces the valve and components, along with the propriety installation process.

The online course introduces the valve, covers the pre-installation steps include giving a full overview of the valve and install kit parts, takes the attendee through pipe preparation, mounting of the valve, pressure testing, making the cut, and installing the bonnet. It also covers operation, maintenance, and health and safety. The course takes between 45 minutes and an hour to complete.

The information available via the online portal also serves as a helpful reminder for experienced installers should they need any installation clarification.

After the online training is completed, the new installers attend a one-day face-to-face training course delivered by an experienced AVT installation Training Master. The learner has the option to attend training at our Chicago facility, or in the field. Once complete, the installers receive Certified status and are added to our ’Installation Army’ database, which is used to identify installers in a certain geographical region should they be needed by our customers.

“We certify individuals and not companies, and we have heard many times that being a member of the AVT Install Network is a positive addition to water industry resumes,” Harry said. “We’re pleased that our program is helping to upskill members of the water industry as well as to ensure the AVT EZ Valve remains as the most trusted insertion valve available.”

To learn more about the AVT EZ Valve and become a certified member of the AVT Install Network email

Learn how a valve is installed in a line without shutting off the water