Each state in the US has its own Ministry or Department of Transportation which together look after a combined network of more than four million miles of roads*. Many of these roads are crossed by, and cross over others by means of thousands of bridges. These all require regular repair and maintenance to ensure they are always in peak working condition.

This requirement is also vital for the slopes that flank these roads and highways, all of which must remain in good working order to ensure water flow is controlled and eroded materials do not cause obstructions.  

* https://www.artba.org/about/faq/#:~:text=In%202017%2C%20there%20were%204.18,to%20the%20Federal%20Highway%20Administration.

GeoTree Industries and Markets Separtment of Transportation

GeoTree delivers a range of solutions to the issues faced by the country's  the Department of Transportation maintenance teams:



  •  Column strengthening
  • Decking/slab reinforcement
  • Footing
  • Girders
  • Pier caps
  • Piles


  • Culverts
  • Storm Water Collections
  • Larger structures under bridges which might be classified as culverts or as bridges

Steel Bridge Piling Repairs

Opened in 1985, the Carajás Railroad ranks as Brazil’s most efficient railway thanks to constant technology investments made by railway management.