Lincoln Winwater Safeguards City Water Supply with the AVT EZ Valve

City of Papillion, Nebraska


  • New control point required
  • 24" AVT EZ Valve installed on a ductile iron pipe
  • Team of four installers took eight hours to complete the installation
  • No service interruption, which was 'priceless' to the customer

Key Takeaways

  • City water supply safeguarded
  • 20,000 residents had their water supply maintained during the install and when future maintenance and repair of their water supply is required


The City of Papillion in Nebraska needed to safeguart the city's drinking water supply to around 20,000 residents who receive their water from two large water towers. These towers are fed by a pump station with the original pipeline infrastructure dictating that both towers needed to be filled simultaneously.

Lincoln Winwater logo
Working in partnership with AVT

The Issue

With this configuration, when City engineers need to carry out repairs or maintenance on the towers, they are forced to shut down the entire water system meaning the town has just two hours until all water pressure is lost. The city needed to install a new control point on the system which would enable each tower to be independently isolated allowing the other tower to maintain the city’s water supply.

The Solution

Lincoln Winwater, an infrastructure material supplier since 2007 and a certified installer of AVT EZ Valves from 4" to 24” with years of experience installing the valve, has worked with the City of Papillion in the past so when the company was contacted about the issue, they immediately knew the ideal solution.

After working with City engineers and explaining the merits and value of the AVT EZ Valve, the decision was green lit to install a 24” EZ Valve on the ductile iron pipe leading to the towers, adding the required additional control point. This would allow each tower to be filled and maintained separately.

AVT EZ Valve Installation in Pictures

AVT EZ Valve install
1: In preparation for the install, the City excavated the pipe and create a safe access point for the installers and the required materials.
AVT EZ Valve installation
2: Pipe cleaned, marked, taped, and greased with valve body being attached.
AVT EZ Valve installation
3: Valve body being fit to the pipe
Safeguards City Water Supply
4: Valve body fully fitted to the pipe
Safeguards City Water Supply
5: End ring and gear box attached to valve.
6: EM (end milling) machine fitted to valve.
Safeguards City Water Supply
7: 120 degree slot being milled across the pipe.
Safeguards City Water Supply
8: Completed installation with bonnet in place.