ClockSpring|NRI Steps Up!


Setting out to walk from Manchester in the UK to Palm Beach Shores, Florida, might sound like mission impossible, but for 15 ClockSpring|NRI employees, it sounded like a great idea.

After deciding in January to raise money for local charities, the employees did some brainstorming to come up with fundraising ideas. “We wanted something that would be beneficial for our team, that would be engaging, and that would allow us to have some friendly competition,” said Managing Director Sean Connolly.

CSNRI Walk to Florida

Not content to take a traditional path toward their goal, they decided on a “walk” that would cross the Atlantic, a distance of 4,258 miles. Wanting to put a price on their efforts, they approached ClockSpring|NRI management and got a commitment for the company to donate 10 pence for every mile completed.

Gearing up to count their steps, they determined how many would be needed collectively and got down to business. They used digital step counters to count their steps and set off, tracking their progress across the “ocean” as they went.

After 13 weeks of dedicated walking, the group achieved their goal, raising £800, which they divided into contributions of £200 for four charities: St. Anne’s Hospice, Alzheimer’s Society, Make-A-Wish Foundation, and Disability Challengers.

“It was a great way to raise money for deserving charities,” Connolly said, “because everybody wins.”