First to market and still going strong. 

Since the first composite repairs were introduced to the industry more than 30 years ago, composite materials have been used to address a broad range of defects, from cracks, fractures, and leaks to internal and external corrosion, mechanical damage, abrasion, and axial defects.

Composites evolved over the decades from repair sleeves that could be used on standard straight piping runs to flexible wraps that can be applied to wrinkle bends and components with complex shapes. Their versatility has made them the go-to solution for a broad range of anomalies, and they have been installed around the world to resolve asset integrity and safety concerns.

Although many have been in service for years, there have been few occasions when a repair has been recovered to allow designers to see how it has endured the test of time. A rare opportunity at the end of 2020 provided just such a chance, when a pipeline owner replaced a section of pipe that had been repaired using a Clock Spring® composite repair sleeve in 1995.

Read the full article and learn more about how a properly designed and installed CSNRI composite repair can be durable for decades and capable of restoring the pipeline beyond its original strength.

25yrs CS article capture