
Fyfe delivers structural strengthening solutions to a range of infrastructure and applications such as bridges, buildings, pipelines, marine structures, Industrial and power generation facilities, and silos, stacks and chimneys.


Building Rehabilitation & Structural Strengthening

Fyfe®’s Tyfo® FRP Systems have proven themselves to be ideal for the structural strengthening of reinforced concrete, reinforced and unreinforced masonry buildings. However, there are unique applications that have been developed for both wood and steel structural elements. Tyfo strengthens columns, walls, beams, diaphragms and connections.

Fyfe Tyfo structural Strengthening
Bridges & Transportation

Initially developed for seismic strengthening of bridge columns, the Tyfo Systems have since been used to strengthen and protect columns, piles, piers, beams, AASHTO girders, box girders, bent caps, pile or pier caps and bridge decks across the world. Our systems have undergone rigorous structural and durability testing to gain acceptance by transportation departments and ministeries world-wide.

Fyfe Tyfo Bridge Strengthening
Pipelines, Water & Wastewater

When a large-diameter pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP, ECP), reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), steel pipe, ductile iron, cast iron, wrought iron, FRP, or other types of pipe suffer from corrosion or another form of decay, they can experience significant structural loss. The Tyfo System strengthens structurally deficient pipes and enables them to accommodate all internal loads and all external loads.

Fyfe Tyfo Pipe Strengthening
Waterfront & Marine Structures

The corrosive nature of marine environments can severely damage waterfront structures, destroy their aesthetics, and render them unable to support the loads they were designed to carry.  Fyfe is a leader in rehabilitating and preserving existing reinforced concrete, wood, and steel structural elements that are periodically or permanently submerged in water using Tyfo Systems.

Fyfe Tyfo Pier Strengtheningf
Silos, Stacks & Chimneys

This infrastructure can often be found in harsh environments such as near the ocean and can be subjected to high levels of damaging chemicals. Silos must also withstand high-pressure variants as they are filled and emptied - this pressure can cause structural weakening. Fyfe's Tyfo range of products has proven itself to offer second-to-none structural strengthening properties to silos, stacks and chimneys around the world. 

Fyfe Tyfo Chimney strengthening
Industrial Facilities & Power Generation

The Tyfo System is ideal for strengthening industrial structures and tanks as it can easily be installed around existing equipment and instrumentation. Its ease of constructability can be achieved in extreme working conditions with industrial processes remaining operational significantly reducing repairs during shutdown and turnaround periods.

Fyfe System Projects and Case studies